
Flesh Eating Cheerleaders from Outer Space #1-6

Created by Dren Productions LLC

Get the final issue of the first story-arc about possessed, cannibal cheerleaders who want nothing more than your flesh!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Another Stretch Goal!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 04:30:40 AM

Yup! Since our update last night...  we've run out of the poker chip sets! You guys really wanted those things, I guess! But more importantly, we hit another stretch goal! So, we're all getting a new short story included with our pledge!!!

What's up next? Well, we need to offer you guys at least one print! So, here it is! We're already more than halfway to this goal, and once we reach it, all our physical backers will get the new mini-print with C.B. Zane's artwork on it!

What's next?

Just a little glimpse... our next stretch goal is going to unveil a new holofoil cover! What will it be? Well, we need to hit this goal first!

Thanks all!


Let's Play Poker!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 04:56:58 PM

Yes. That's right. We hit that goal! 

We've unlocked a free poker chip for all our physical backers, and now we've got a great offer to go along with them!

So, here it is. As we said, we have extra poker chips. So, what we have done is divided them into 12 complete sets. Each set will have 5 different colored chips with 5 different pieces of artwork on them (20 of each different chip). This gives you a complete set of 100 chips with the Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders artwork on them! 

However, as we said above, there are only 12 sets. Which means once they're gone... they're gone. 

Each set will also come with a deck of Flesh-Eating Cheerleader playing cards, to make poker night a sure thing! You get the whole set as an add-on!

But we realize that some of you might not want all those poker chips (or that they might get snatched up quickly).  So, while we are limited with the number of chips we can offer, we aren't limited for the playing cards. So, if you want to get some decks of cards, we have unlocked those too!

We just want to send a big thank you to you all again! We're happy to bring you this awesome stuff! We have the best fans out there!

So, we usually promote some other cool projects we love. And we wanted to share one with you tonight. This one is for the Night Wolf series which we have pointed you towards before.  They have the comics for you, but their big thing for this campaign is the plush!

Head on over and check this out. If you haven't seen the series, you can get it all with this campaign. And we can attest, this is a great series. Plus, let's face it, that plush toy is cute!

Head on over and check it out!

Thanks all!


Keep on Rolling!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 05:12:06 AM

Hey there all,

We are well on our way, and once again we have to thank you! Because of you, we had our best opening day for a project ever! So, thank you all! You are awesome!!!

That being said, waking up this morning at the 24 hour mark, we see we've passed a couple more stretch goals. And thus, we have a lot to cover this morning. 

So, first, we are unlocking the art book! You guys seemed to love volume 1 of the artbook, so we came back with volume 2! This book is going to feature a whole bunch of awesome artwork from our books (issues 4-6). This is going to include some unused artwork that we just didn't get around to (and maybe a few alternate covers). We hope you enjoy it!

Then, everyone's favorite! The poker chip! All physical backers will be getting a poker chip. And as we've done for every campaign so far. The art on the chip will be determined by you guys. Whichever cover in the end turns out to be the most popular will be featured on the poker chip!

So, that being said, want to get yourselves a copy of the art book? Well, it's available now as an add-on for $25. But wait, we're also throwing in Volume 1 for anyone who may have missed it. You can get each one of these awesome 60 page books for $25 each, or both of them for $40. Take a look and check them out!

But we all know what you're really waiting for. You want to know what to expect next. 

If you read our post from last night, then you'd know we had something planned for our poker chips. Well, let us explain for a moment. You see, each campaign we have offered you guys poker chips, which you have loved more than pretty much any other stretch goal it seems. But after every campaign we've ended up with a bunch of leftover poker chips. So, we've put those poker chips together. Collectively, from all the poker chips we have from our campaigns, we were able to make 12 sets of 100 poker chips that we will be offering to you guys once we pass our next stretch goal. As if that's not enough, to go along with these poker chips, we also have created a deck of playing cards to go along with them. You want to play some cards? This is something you're going to want to jump on. 

That being said, that's our next stretch goal, and we'll offer more details about what this unlocks once we pass it!

Then, we have another great stretch goal. We've done these short stories all throughout, giving a little more depth and side-stories that are weaved into the story of the comic. So, here's another one!

Thank you all again! We really appreciate all of you and we know you're going to love this final chapter of the first story arc. But that's it for now! Hopefully we'll update you again later today!

Thanks all!


over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 02:04:45 PM

Thank you all for making this an awesome first day! The day isn't over yet, but this might turn out to be our biggest launch day ever! We cannot thank you all enough for helping make this happen. You guys really are the greatest fans in the world and we love you all!

That being said, I know some of you have been aching for some stretch goals, and we are here to provide.

So, I have a bunch. And you guys, as usual, have beaten me to the punch, so our first 2 goals have already been passed!!!!

Want to see them? Well, here they are!

As you can see, we have a lot of our usual stuff. We're starting out with our magnet, a new logo for you guys that have been with us since the beginning. Then we're going to give you some digital wallpapers. 

Next up we'll be unlocking Volume 2 of our Art Book, which will have the covers from issues 4-6 with artwork that went unused for those issues. 

After that, we have our favorite... the poker chip! And stay tuned, because our next goal which we'll announce soon (maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow morning), will involve those poker chips! We think it's something that some of you will really really want! But stay tuned!

Anyway, thanks again all for this awesome first day! Let's keep it up. Get out there and share this campaign and keep spreading the word. The quicker we hit these goals, the quicker we can unlock even more!

Thanks all!